So, I'm just a little behind here. MAYBE I'll even do two posts in one day just to get caught up on life's events and my rants on annoying people, etc. But, for now I thought I should start with Easter. After all, Easter really does have so much more importance to us than what so and so said to make me really angry. :)
So Easter... we started out the week dying eggs on Tuesday. My husband and I were used to the method of dipping an egg in a cup of water with some food coloring or a color tablet. This year, I decided to try something a little different. I bought a glitter kit and Dudley's Roll It kit. They both involved little packet of dye that you don't have to mix, you just squirt them into a a paint palet and voila, you're ready to go. My little artist loved this method because she could use a paint brush for the glitter paint and little paint rollers for the other. We got eggs that looked much more detailed than we would have otherwise. AND I'm pretty sure that the dye came off of our hands much earlier than last year.
Josh and I enjoyed his days off by getting a bunch of projects done around the house, including painting an accent wall in Amber's room. We now have a lavender and green room. I think that maybe Micah will appreciate looking back at pictures a bit more if they aren't all of a totally girly room with purple walls. Yeah, yeah, I do realize that he will could care less for at least a few months but, I do! I can't stand not doing something to individualize each room for my kids. It's in bred as my Mom is the same way.
Finally, on Sunday morning, we got up early enough to allow Amber to hunt for her Easter eggs and take a quick look at what the Easter bunny brought. This year the Easter bunny brought a tiny bit of candy and a doll rather than a bunch of little "doodads" that only get played with once or twice. I think this worked much better for us and she LOVES her doll. (Mommy might love it just as much as I got a really good deal on it by shopping Kohls clearance section with an extra 30% off coupon. :) )
Dinner was spent at my parent's place, it was a small gathering but still a rather enjoyable one. Mostly I just appreciated only having to bring a few things and leave the ham to my Mom. I love to cook, but I was TIRED and very glad to relinquish most of the dinner preparations.
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