Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Christmas 2010

So I'm a little late with the Christmas post and yeah, maybe A LOT late for any kind of update but whatever. I'm just going to post the Christmas pictures...

On another note, it WAS Micah's first Christmas so I guess I owe him at least a few words... Really, it was a joy to have him open his first presents and to dress him in new pjs on Christmas Eve. Micah recently has been perfecting the art of sitting up and actually interacting with toys so it was a blast to see his eyes light up when a new toy came out of a box. Even if it wasn't a "toy" then he was still excited because everything was so new to him.

This was Amber's fifth Christmas though just as exciting as any other. She was completely ready to dive into the presents under the tree but she also reminded us that it was Jesus' birthday. :) It is so amazing to see her grow in her understanding each year.

On Christmas Eve, while holding Micah( and simultaneously directing the kids' music at church), I started thinking about how Mary must have felt while holding Jesus for the first time. I remembered the joy that I felt when I finally got to hold Micah (and Amber) for the first time and really wondered what it must have been like for Mary. Then how proud she must have felt of him when all those people came to see him and present their gifts. I also wonder, "did Jesus notice the gifts he was given?" If only, the whole world could realize the gift that HE gave to us.