I wish I had pictures of how PERFECT her yard looked when I was growing up. She could make anything grow and even keep it alive. A weed in her yard was a menace. I, on the other hand, have gotten her persistence and stubbornness but very little ability to grow AND keep things plants alive. Last year, I made the decision to attempt to do a little landscaping, plant a garden, etc. I figured that anyone could manage to grow a few things if they put their mind to it. So, we planted turnips, radishes, and peppers in our make shift garden at the end of the driveway. I lined the edges with bricks and voila, thought I'd have myself some fresh vegetables. This was not the case. I planted some wildflowers in part of the backyard but I caught the birds and squirrels digging up the seeds and eating them. In the front yard along our steps, I planted three lilies that I purchased from Home Depot; some herbs in a small pot on my windowsill and finally finished with a hanging basket on our porch. Needless to say, I don't need to mention how many of these plants did well. It was pretty clear to all neighbors that I was indeed an amateur.
So you're wondering, do I have a empty yard? Of course not- in the spirit of perseverance, I decided to try again this year. I have now hung a beautiful hanging basket on our porch, the lilies amazingly did come back this year in the front, and I replanted part of our backyard with wildflowers. Herbs are now growing on my windowsill and so far they aren't dead! (Pictures to follow)
I'm now planning our porch furniture for the year. Because of course, we need to be able to sit out and enjoy my green attempts. :) I'm thinking two adirondack chairs from Home Depot in a nice lime or aqua as well as two folding tables from Joann. So even if the hanging basket is the only thing that survives, at least we'll have a nice view!